
A current list of available server commands.
/setpass - In Game Only. Leader only command. Sets a password in the game. If you don't provide a password, it clears the current password. Announces this to everyone, but does not show the new password.

/canjoin - In Game Only. Leader only command. Quest only command. Allows players to join the current quest. Announces this to everyone.

/notjoin - In Game Only. Leader only command. Quest only command. Prevents players from joining the current quest. Announces this to everyone.

/setname - In Game Only. Leader only command. Changes the name of the current room. Shows the new room name to everyone.

/cost - In Game Only. Shows how much meseta each player in the room has used for "Charge Special." Announces this to everyone.

/box - In Game Only. Shows the total number of boxes broken in the room. I don't think this is accurate. Announces this to everyone.

/exp - In Game Only. Shows how much exp each player in the room has gained. Announces this to everyone. Currently disabled.

/sid - In Game Only. Shows each player's section ID. Announces this to everyone.

/gcnumber - In Game Only. Shows each player's Guild Card Number. Announces this to everyone.

/class - In Game Only. Shows each player's Class. Announces this to everyone.

/floor - In Game Only. Shows which area each player is in. Announces this to everyone.

/killcount - Use like /killcount 26 to show the current killcount of the 26th item in your inventory. Only shows you in Lobby. Announces to everyone in game.

/matcount - Shows current material usage. Only shows you.

/dice - Generates a random number, by default 1-6. You can also provide a number between 2 and 65533. Anything lower than 2 will give the message "No Dice!" Announces this to everyone.

/dropcheck - In Game Only. States whether the no drop flag is set for the current room. Announces this to everyone.

/stats - In Game Only. Show each player's current kills and deaths for the room. Announces this to everyone.

/addfriend playername Type this to add a friend to your friendlist. Insert the name of your friend for playername. Currently Disabled.

/delfriend playername Type this to remove a friend from your friendlist. Insert the name of your friend for playername. Currently Disabled.

/friendlist Type this to show your friendlist. Whoever is currently online will show in green in the online portion of the list, offline players show in red in the offline portion of the list. Currently Disabled.

/ignore playername Type this to block all chat, Word Select, and symbol chats from the selected player, so you cannot hear anything they say except by mail. You can't block an infinite number of users, so you need to either remove them from your ignore list with the next command, or use the Ship Transport to clear them from the list.

/unignore playername Type this to unblock the chat, Word Select, and symbol chats from the selected player. You can either do this or change ships to allow blocked users to talk to you again.